Deprecated: While this project was a lot of fun and a great learning experience, I've since let it go for a few reasons. First off, there is no shortage of to-do apps out there. I'm currently using the built in Reminders app on iPhone which is strikingly similar, but with more features, like sharing, that would've taken a lot of time to implement. Second, as it turns out, being able to infinitely nest data is not the best idea. I've come to appreciate more flat structures, in programming and real life. Lastly, opportunity cost: I have a lot of other things I'd like to get done that this would take time from, so I'm off to do those...


Ever have a to do list with tasks that never get done? Why is this? In my case, my 'tasks' weren't tasks at all, but projects that needed to be broken down into actual tasks. For example, one morning I jotted down a quick to do list on a Post-it® note, one of the tasks being 'clean house.' If you could see my house you would know this is no easy undertaking. After struggling with where to even begin I decided to sit down and plan out exactly what needed to be done. When I finished I'd filled an entire page in a notebook.


That's where Leaf List comes in. Add a task. If the task is too big, break it down by adding 'leaves.' Are the leaves still too big? Keep on going. Add as many leaves as you like, even add leaves to current leaves. Leaf List will track it all, showing your top level categories, or 'branches,' and your upcoming leaves for each branch. Break down your work into small, digestible tasks and get more done with Leaf List.